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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beagle Boy 4

Fast forward to one week later....Despite my best efforts to reunite this dog with his owners, I was unsuccessful. The local radio stations advertised where and when the dog had gone missing, providing a description. The local humane society was contacted to see if anyone was missing a beagle such luck. The children were happy about our find, but this dog could not stay. For one thing, he was a bit melancholy and spent quite a bit of time moping and whining around the house. We interpreted this behavior as a dog who was pining for his lost master and friend. The children tried to cheer him up with a game of fetch, chew toys, and doggie treats. The young dog seemed grateful for the attention, but it all seemed a bit foreign to him. He acted as if he had never played before and didn't know how.

He must really miss his family, we reasoned. It was then, that the "pack leader" at our house decided to take matters into his own hands. My husband returned to the site where I had those heart stopping moments when the dog and I had first come nose to nose, or bumper to nose. He began knocking on doors and asking questions. Four doors and a few knocks later, he asked a lady if she had a beagle. She looked a bit concerned and reported that her husband had a beagle that had been missing for a while. A bit more conversation and a few pleasantries later, my husband returned home to give us the news.

A lifetime lover of dogs, my husband had learned that this beagle had been used for hunting purposes only. He had been born and raised in a pen with several other dogs. The woman had told him how the dog was an escape artist and would end up dead if he stayed. She offered to let him keep the dog and he agreed. That is the story of how a little boy's prayer to have a beagle came to an end. It is also the beginning of a new a new friend became family.

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